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The entire content published on the Internet page, is of exclusively informative character and, as such, must not be distributed or used for commercial purposes in an unauthorised manner and without the express written approval by the company Gaveia d.o.o., or in any other manner which can cause damage to the company Gaveia d.o.o. or to any other third party. Documents, data photographs and information posted on this website may be used only for individual needs of the user and that with compliance with all copyrights and associated rights, as well as third party rights in accordance with the Republic of Croatia current legal regulations.
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The company Gaveia d.o.o. does not guarantee that the materials contained on this website are suitable or available in certain locations, i.e. does not hold any responsibility for access to them from territories where their content may be forbidden by the law. Access to the website in those territories will be considered as undertaken at one’s own will, with the user’s responsibility in accordance with the competent law in force. The information which company Gaveia d.o.o. posts on this website is considered as accurate and reliable at the time of its uploading. Company Gaveia d.o.o., however, warns that there is a possibility of deviation from accuracy, truthfulness or reliability of any of the data saved on this website at the time a user accesses it. The information available on the website must not be considered as grounds for making important personal or business decisions and you hereby agree that you will not hold the company Gaveia d.o.o. liable for any possible failure to fulfil your expectations. Company Gaveia d.o.o. can, at any time and without prior notice, update or change the data on this website. Company Gaveia d.o.o. fully disclaims any responsibility which could, in any way whatsoever, arise from or is, in any way whatsoever, related to the use of this Internet website, for any user’s actions of either use or abuse of the said website, as well as for any damage which can occur to the user or any third party and which is related to use or abuse in using the contents of this website.
This Internet website contains documents, data, information and links to other websites, created by third parties who will, whenever possible, be labelled as such. Company Gaveia d.o.o. has no control over the quoted documents, data, information or any other Internet websites whatsoever and fully disclaims any responsibility, including, but not limited to, their accuracy, completeness or availability of their content on Internet websites created by third parties. Company Gaveia d.o.o. will use your credit card data expressly for the booking of your desired accommodation. After the whole reservation amount has been payed, credit card details will be deleted from the company Gaveia d.o.o.’s database. We guarantee to our clients that we will treat all personal data as confidential information and a business secret. The safety and privacy of your data is protected by the SSL technology.
Please bear in mind that sending private messages by means of electronic mail may be unsafe and subject to unauthorised access by third parties or incorrect delivery. Any message received by email will be considered as unsafe and untrustworthy and company Gaveia d.o.o. bears no responsibility for the safety and privacy of such messages, while reserving the right to reproduce, use, dispose of and distribute them to any third party without restrictions. Furthermore, it is free to use ideas, designs, experience or other forms of knowledge contained in such messages for any purpose whatsoever.
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The company Gaveia d.o.o. collects, processes and keeps personal data in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other legal regulations in force. The data will not be passed to any third party or taken out to another country, unless the need arises for delivery of the agreed services (for example, accommodation, carriers, insurance, etc.).
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Your personal data is collected and used only based on the data which you have voluntarily provided for the company Gaveia d.o.o. by using the website The collected data is kept in electronic form and all appropriate technical and organisational measures are applied in order to prevent personal data breach. The company Gaveia d.o.o. will use received emails containing personal data only for responding to users’ requests.
When booking accommodation, travel or other services provided by the company Gaveia d.o.o., the personal data of the person who makes the booking, who must be of age (for example, name, address, contact telephone no., etc.) will be needed, as well as the data of other service users (for example, name, date of birth, etc.). Only the data which is essential for realisation of the service will be available exclusively to the partners in realisation of accommodation. The data related to payment (for example, bank card number, expiry date, etc.) are specially protected and will be available only to banks, i.e. credit card clearing houses for the purposes of payment authorisation.
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LINKS contains links to other websites (for example, Facebook, Instagram, airports, weather forecasts). In relation to that, we would kindly warn and ask users to take into consideration that the company Gaveia d.o.o. cannot be held responsible for protection of personal data confidentiality on the said websites. We would, therefore, encourage users to read the Data Privacy Declaration relating to each Internet page they are accessing.
Contact information, such as name and email address, are essential when using the services of receipt of promotional materials from the company Gaveia d.o.o. Promotional materials include information about services and special deals, as well as newsletters. The service can be disabled at any time by activating the link ‘’Unsubscribe“at the end of an email or by sending a request for removal from the digital marketing list at
The company Gaveia d.o.o. undertakes all safety measures to protect user data in the course of entry and transfer, data processing, as well as during data storage. Data access is limited, and only those employees who need them in order to carry out business activities, have them at their disposal. Personal data which has been provided to the company Gaveia d.o.o. upon booking will be kept for as long as the website exists, i.e. for the duration of clients’ booking. All the data which has been provided to the company Gaveia d.o.o. upon booking on the website, will be destroyed at the expiry of it, at the latest. At any time, users have the right to ask for information about which of their particular personal data is processed by the company Gaveia d.o.o., i.e. whether it is modified or removed, by sending their request to
In the event of any changes related to the compliance with the rules of personal data confidentiality, a notice will be posted on the website front page for users’ information.
Gaveia d.o.o. za usluge i Putnička Agencija
Rijeke Raše 7, 52466 Novigrad
OIB: 30657775410
ID CODE: HR-B-52-130052259
+43 720 116 564
Document version: 1.1.
Last modified date: 6.12.2022.
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